Complete an Activity

There are multiple ways an activity can be completed.

Add a New Completed Activity

  1. Click New Activity button
    new activity
  2. The add activity modal should appear.  The following is required to add a new completed activity:

    1. Activity Type

    2. Past Date and/or Time

    3. Prospect/Contact/Referral Source for the activity

    4. Assign To - This is the employee that completed the activity
    5. Result 
    6. Status
  3. Click Save

You will get a fly-in notification to confirm the new activity and will see the completed activity card under Completed Activities for that person.  

Complete a Scheduled Activity

  1. Click Mark Complete link on a scheduled activity card
    scheduled activity card
  2. The add activity modal should appear.  The following is required to add a new completed activity:

    1. Activity Type (Pre-filled from the scheduled activity)

    2. Date/Time - This will automatically change to the current date and time for you

    3. Prospect/Contact/Referral Source for the activity (Pre-filled from the scheduled activity)

    4. Assign To  (Pre-filled from the scheduled activity)
    5. Result - Select the result of the activity
    6. Status
  3. Click Save

You will get a fly-in notification to confirm the new activity and will see the completed activity card under Completed Activities for that person.