Adding and Editing a Contact

Learn how to add a family member, friend, or any other contact to a prospect's profile, and to make changes to current contacts.

Add Contact

  1. Navigate to your prospect's profile page from either the Global Search, Prospects list or Sales Pipeline.
  2. Click on the Contacts tab
  3. Click on Add Contact button
    add contact
  4. The Add Contact modal will appear.  The following fields are required:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Relation to Resident
    4. Primary Phone or Email
  5. Click Save Contact

Once you save the new contact, the modal will close and a contact will be added to the list of contacts for that prospect.

Edit Contact

There are a few ways to edit a contact, and below is the preferred method.

  1. Navigate to your prospect's profile page from either the Global Search, Prospects list or Sales Pipeline.
  2. Click on the Contacts tab
  3. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the contact and click Edit
    contact card with edit
  4. The Edit Contact modal will appear with the information pre-filled.  Remember, the required fields are first name, last name, relation to resident, and primary phone or email.
  5. Click Save Contact

Once you save, the changes will be reflected for that contact.